Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Cassandra with Ruby

Experiencing LoadError on thrift_client/connection trying to get "require 'cassandra'" to work on OSX.  Fixed by noting where the thrift_client gem directory is, then use:
- chmod o+r /thrift_client/connection/*.rb
- chmod o+r /thrift_client/*.rb

make sure that the connections directory as +x permission, or you'll get a similar error on thrift_client/connection/base.

update: then again, so far the 0.12 version fails to open connections to a local Cassandra server anyway,
making todays' frustrations in dealing with Cassandra integration complete.
tomorrow, one more try, then its either switch to Python or just break down and write it in Java.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

2011-08 Jefferson County Fair


Saturday at the Fair, an overview of some of the day's activities. It remains a very community and 4H focused event. Hope to add more pix from the horse pulls and demo derby later.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

2011-06 Monthly Farms Walking Tour


2011-06 Monthly Farms Walk, a set on Flickr.

a little late on this one - but if you've ever wanted to wander around the Day Road Farms property, Bart Berg leads a guided tour on second Sunday's at 2 pm. Here are a few scenes from June's tour.

2011-07 Indianola Days


2011-07 Indianola Days, a set on Flickr.

a few pictures from the beach at Indianola Days 2011.